The workers in the batey have made great progress on the septic tank. When we arrived two weeks ago, they had just finished digging the hole. As you can see below, they have finished the cover. When it's complete, it should accommodate 30 flush toilets. Brian's plan for the toilets is to use 5 gallon water jugs, which, when flipped upside down and fitted with a seat, can work as low water consumption toilets. Unfortunately, Brian has run out of money, so the project cannot move forward until they raise more.
If you'd like to donate to the septic tank project, you can go to Brian will send you a t-shirt he designed (in English or Spanish):
"I helped Village 12 out of a hole. . . ."
"So they could fill it with caca."
Brian has modified the water filtration system with the help of Bernard (Starcamp architect). The pots (made of a mixture of clay, sawdust and silver) have been fitted with a 5 gallon water jug. The increased pressure increases the output, and the stand (now a tripod) is much more stable. Now, the 7 filters can filter 500 liters per day. Brian is hoping the people in the batey can use the system for clean drinking water, and he's also hoping to sell the system to raise money to fund the Village 12 projects.
Brian is also building boxes that will hold seedlings that will eventually be planted in the community garden. Many of the seeds were donated by Tara Russell/Create Common Good. Thanks Tara!!!
I donated to Village12, I am also encouraging my friends to do the same!